Friday, 6 February 2015

We are more then conquerous...

...through Him who have loved us. Rm 8.37

Travelling all around East Timor

We have been traveling a lot around East Timor. Most of the roads are bad. Along the hills with many curves and cliff, narrow, lots of holes and very slipping during the rain season. Sometimes we have to travel by truck. Thanks to the Lord, we have had safe trips though sometimes our car breaks and we have to be rescued.

Shift of Pastors

The aim is to keep them challenged. In this picture, pastor Julio is leaving the church of Liquiçá which will be now under de care of pastor Romendio. Pastor Julio is moving to Oecussi.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Visiting the Village of Leurema

Leurema is a village on the hills. To get there we had to face a dangerous road, very narrow and full of obstacles. The car must be able to climb up mountain. Thanks to the Lord, we managed to get there. Soon we will consecrate a new house there, where the people will have the opportunity to seek the Lord.

9th Anniversary of Visao Crista Church

Celebrated in January, the 9th Anniversary of Visão Cristã Church was an impacting event in the lives of the believers. The presence of God was notorious. Once again God renewed the spiritual fervour of His people.

 About 250 people attended the services
 National pastor's wives leading the worship
 People surrendering their lives to Jesus
 The presence of God was notorious
 New pastors being consecrated

 Graduation of Evangelism Training students

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Consecration of the Church in Maliana

God gave us a tremendous victory in Maliana. We have just consecrated the new church building which we started to build more than four years ago. But because of a fierce persecution, we had to stop. Three years later, last year, we restarted after a positive Court decision. The consecration service was marvelous. All the construction workers surrendered their lives to Jesus, as well as two police officers. Many people from the neighbourhood attended the service, and yet they brought with them rice, soft drink, and other things as their contribution to the party, showing this way their full acceptance of the church among them. We were all overjoyed for seeing what God was doing. God’s works are wonderful.