Saturday, 11 October 2014

VC Church in Maliana - A wonderful victory

It was a fierce batlle to start the construction of the church building in Maliana. Some christians had their houses burnt, a missionary was violently beaten, and all the construction material was destroyed. We had to wait more than three years for a court decision. Finnaly, this year we had the permission to restart the works with all gurantee given by the Court. Soonly, a brand new church will be consecrated for the Lord in Maliana, East Timor. Praises to Him!


Tuesday, 30 September 2014

5th Anniversary of the Church of Fatumetan

Fatumetan is a village deep in the countryside of Timor Leste, 6 hours-drive from Dili, the capital town, driving along the hillside on bad roads. To get there we have to cross two rivers. During the rain season, it is not possible. But, praise the Lord, the missionaries managed to built a church there. The pastor is a village resident, who the missionaries won to Jesus, trained and commissioned. Last weekend we were there to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the church. Congratulations to the missionaries who went there first, your work and efforts are bearing fruits.
We have been praying that the light of the Gospel may shine all over this country, reaching all villages and communities even in isolated places. Fatumetan is an evidence that God is answering our prayers.

 The local pastor Jose Barros

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

6th Youth National Congress

In August, about 250 Timorese youth from all 13 Districts of Timor Leste gathered in Same, a town among the mountains in the south part of this country, for the 6th Youth National Congress of Visão Cristã Church, on the theme "Being a good soldier of Christ". We are sure that God is preparing a new generation that will be a great blessing for this country.

Clique here for more pictures.

Monday, 10 March 2014

3rd Anniversary of the church in Lospalos

Lospalos is the capital town of the District of Lautem, in the east end of Timor Leste, 220 km far from Dili, a 5,5 hours-drive travel, due to the road conditions. The church there is under the pastoral care of the Timorese pastor Alberto dos Santos. Here are some pictures of 3nd Anniversary celebration, on Feb 23.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

8th Anniversary of the Church

8 years ago, in Jan 2006, 20 people, most of them missionaries, gathered in this place for the inauguration service of Visão Cristã Church in Timor Leste. Now, nearly 300 people from all the Districts of Timor Leste came together to thank God for these 8 years of wonderful blessings. God has used this church for a break-ground work here in this country. During these 8 years this church faced opposition, persecution, threatens, physical aggressions, false accusation... meanwhile the sinners were been saved, families restored, people coming from the darkness to the light of Christ, and God being glorified. The people of God have been victorious, as Jesus said that the gates of the hell shall not prevail against His church. Glory be to the Lord!